Flicker Wild Church


Flicker Wild Church is a playful, poetic, and pop-up spiritual community, seeking relationship and reciprocity with the more-than-human world through local, foraged, and seasonal geo-choreographies of praise.

We are about celebrating the momentary gifts of the seasons, holding space for transformative encounters, sharing sacred moments, attuning to the call of the earth, and following life-honoring patterns of being and becoming.

We worship not in, but WITH nature.

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Flicker has mycelial roots in the Wild Church Network & United Church of Christ (UCC).

What is church? Anytime creator and creature are connected in a spirit of awe in community.

Where is church? Church is the great cathedral of earth and sea and sky.

Why church? Church is a way of re-membering, re-connecting, re-storing, and re-storying ourselves as part of the sacred whole.


Speak with the Earth and It Will Teach You


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